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Preparing For and Onboarding a Student Intern
Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Category: Webinars

Preparing for and onboarding student interns is a key step to ensuring a successful and mutually beneficial internship experience. Companies approach this in a variety of ways based on their industry, goals, staffing size, and more. Hear from three employers on how their company prepares for and onboards student interns.

This session will benefit, both, career services professionals and employers wishing to gain a deeper understanding of the topic.

Sponsored by the Experiential Education Knowledge Group


Presenters: Robin Kazmarek - Elon University; Janet Dickens - Charter Road Hospitality (hospitality company with 120 employees); Ali Fraley - Axle Logistics (logistics industry company with approximately 220 employees); Sondra Khammavong - ALSAC / St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (Non-Profit Industry with approximately 1,500 employees)

Contact: [email protected]

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