Knowledge Groups (KGs)ResourcesWe are so excited to share our member benefits, the SoACE Knowledge Center! The Knowledge Center will be your central location to find all archived programming, content and more! Items include SoACE resources and resources from members and other organizations. You will need to use your member log-in to view these resources. If you have a resource you would like to submit to supplement, please contact the appropriate KG Chair (listed below or on the individual resource pages). Assessment & Data Analytics | Career Advising & Counseling | Career Center Leaders | EmployerEmployer Relations | Experiential Education | Small Colleges & Universities | TechnologyBe in the KNOW | Be a part of SoACE Knowledge GroupsSubmit a Blog PostHow will SoACE Knowledge Groups benefit me?Are you interested in a forum designed specifically to address the current challenges, questions, and trends that you face in your everyday work? Would the experience and best practices of colleagues be of value to you? If so, you will be interested in learning more about SoACE’s Knowledge Groups. SoACE Knowledge Groups offer members the opportunity to learn about and contribute to the growing and evolving body of knowledge that guides our profession. By joining a Knowledge Group members have access to…
What are the focus areas for each of the Knowledge Groups?SoACE has 8 different Knowledge Group areas focusing on different content areas of our profession. A brief description of each of these 8 Knowledge Groups are provided below, along with the name and email address of that Knowledge Group’s chairperson. Feel free to email him/her for more information about the group. College Knowledge Groups - Courtney Edwards, LSU
3.)Experiential Education: Members who are involved in aspects of experiential education and student employment.
4.)Small Colleges and Universities: Members working for institutions of higher education whose enrollment is less than 6,500 students.
Targeted Knowledge Groups - Matt Battista, UTampa
2.)Employer: Members working for employing organizations/businesses involved in college relations and recruitment
3.)Employer Relations: Members working for institutions of higher education who develop and sustain employer partnerships, coordinate on-campus recruitment and employer involvement, etc.
4.)Technology: Members who design, implement, coordinate, update, and/or facilitate technological support for programs, social media, and services
Are there opportunities for involvement within the Knowledge Groups?Each knowledge group is led by a team of volunteers with specific experience and interest in the content area of their Knowledge Group. These positions may include the Chair, Assistant Chair/Chair Elect, Program Coordinator, Communication Liaison, Conference Planning Liaison and Professional Development Liaison and Resource Coordinator In addition, to the positions listed above, Knowledge Group members are invited to help conduct research, present on designated topics at the annual conference, develop webinars and share resources with the SoACE membership relevant to the ongoing work of the group. How do I join a Knowledge Group?All Knowledge Group members must also be current members of SoACE. You must be logged in to SoACE Connect to complete the form. Your KG membership chair will send you a confirmation email containing additional information about the group. Join/Edit KG SelectionsFor additional information and/or assistance in joining a SoACE Knowledge Group, please contact Brandon Wright, [email protected], or Matt Battista, [email protected]. Related: |