SoACE LEAD ProgramThe SoACE Leadership Development Committee is pleased to continue the 4th offering of the LEAD Program! This cohort-based program has been designed for SoACE members preparing for broader contributions, career advancement, and deeper engagement within SoACE. Areas of broad exposure will include:
2024 ApplicationApplication Deadline - Friday, August 9th Applicants must be current members of SoACE and have the support of their direct supervisor. All applications must include supervisor's acknowledgment indicating that your organization will endorse your participation in this program. Please be prepared to answer all questions. This application must be fully completed and signed before review by the selection committee. If your application is approved, the fee for the program is $500.00, inclusive of all program fees and materials. SUBMIT A LEAD APPLICATION
REQUIRED APPLICATION QUESTIONS - REVIEW BEFORE SUBMITTING FORMYou will need to have all the responses prepared when completing the application. There is not an option to save and continue your work. You will also need your supervisor to complete a brief endorsement of your application into the program.
SUBMIT A LEAD APPLICATIONOTHER INFORMATIONParticipation involves monthly sessions delivered virtually requiring 90 minutes of active engagement with a video conferencing/learning platform system. These monthly sessions will begin in August and conclude in May of the following year. The meetings will be held on the following dates from 9:00 am – 10:30 am CST.
Participation involves interacting professionally with invited faculty presenters, SoACE leadership, and members of the SoACE LEAD Fellows cohort. To provide an optimal learning environment, participants will be expected to reflect monthly sessions (and other SoACE LEAD activities) on their work/personal calendars to limit interruptions, review required readings in advance of sessions, and to engage in conversation with respect and professionalism. While not a requirement, attending the SoACE Annual Conference for program delivery and cohort activities is strongly encouraged. If you have any questions, please contact the SoACE Office - [email protected]. |